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My name is Amy, Karen's middle child. When it was clear my mom’s days were numbered, I had to finally tell my 6-year old daughter Reeva that her beloved Grammy was very sick and we did not have much time left with her.

She asked candidly, “Is Grammy going to die?” I took a deep breath and answered, “Yes.”

Then Reeva asked, with so much love and concern in her eyes, “Am I going to forget my Grammy?”

I wrapped my arms around my sweet girl and we cried together in the bathroom.


Then I said, “I promise you will never forget your Grammy! She will always be in our hearts. Actually, Grammy will always be in our bellies too, whenever we make her special recipes!”

“And guess what?” I continued… “You and I have a very important project to work on so Grammy will never be forgotten! I was going to wait until you were seven or eight to tell you, but would you like to know now?”

“Oh yes, Mom, tell me! I really want to know!” she begged.

“OK, Reeva, here’s the plan– You and I are going to start the Grammy Feeds People project. We will continue selling Grammy’s cookbooks so people will always enjoy her yummy food and never forget her! And… money from the cookbooks and other donations will go to help people that are sick like Grammy and also to feed people in need. What do you think?” 

Without batting a lash, Reeva said, so relieved, “Oh good, now I have a job!”

And just like that, the Grammy Feeds People (GFP) project grew roots and wings!

  • Karen’s Love of Feeding People

  • Karen’s favorite holiday was Thanksgiving. She beat the odds and lived to enjoy one more Thanksgiving meal at home with family in November of 2023 (pictured).

    She loved nothing more than hosting and serving people food around the family table. By extension, one of her favorite past times was waitressing at “Mom & Pop” restaurants so she could continue her lifelong passion of feeding people.

    She quickly developed loyal customers wherever she waitressed, as they found such pleasure in her pure heartfelt smile. She was so dedicated to feeding people, even after learning the cancer had spread to her brain, she said, "Let me see how I feel on Monday– I know they’re short-staffed.”

    Net proceeds from Karen’s own Easy Favorites Cookbook will be donated to Grammy Feeds People (GFP) fund. Your support of Grammy Feeds People – whether through purchasing her cookbook or making a tax deductible donation to the GFP fund – will directly contribute to a brighter world, just as Karen did every day.

    Thank you for helping to keep Karen’s legacy alive!